Negotiating over death

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Mar 01, 2005

Let's say you're having a dispute with your next-door neighbor, over the placement of a fence on your property line. Things are getting a bit heated, and your pastor steps in, urging you both to negotiate.

Good move by the pastor. He doesn't know where boundaries of your property are; he just wants you both to act sensibly and charitably.

Now let's alter the facts slightly. Suppose that neighbor wants to cause the death of your daughter, and you want to keep her alive. Your pastor weighs in-- with a statement to the press-- and says: "I beg and pray that both sides might step back a little and allow some mediation in these final hours." [Emphasis added]

Not very helpful, is it? Especially since that last phrase makes it clear that he presumes your daughter is soon going to die.

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