By ( articles ) | Oct 07, 2005
Nasty: That's a strong word, don't you think?
So when it's used by the head of the liturgical commission for the Archdiocese of Brisbane, in a reference to the working document for the Synod of Bishops, it's worth noticing.
What is the comment that prompted the ire of Father Tom Elich? He's helpful enough to give an example of the "nasty bias" he finds in the Instrumentum Laboris:
: It is worth considering whether the removal of the tabernacle from the centre of the sanctuary to an obscure, undignified corner or to a separate chapel… has contributed in some way to a decrease of faith in the Real Presence.
Statements like that, Father Elich says, "border on caricature."
You get the drift. He has his ideas. If you disagree with him-- however calmly, however respectfully-- you are "nasty" and it's downright frightening that anyone listens to you.
You know the old joke: What's the difference between a liturgist and a terrorist? You can sometimes negotiate with a terrorist.
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