Meet Our Chaplain

By ( articles ) | Mar 08, 2005

Kansas's favorite performer of late-term abortions Dr. George Tiller boasts a chaplain to attend to his customers' pre-and post-abortion spiritual needs.

woman's smile, cobra's eyes Smiling George Gardner

The Chaplaincy program is designed to bring spiritual resources to those who come to the Clinic for help and assistance. Spiritually, abortion is acceptable in ten of the world's religions and in Christianity many denominations affirm and uphold the right of a woman to make the choice of abortion.

Which of the ten religions, if any, the Reverend Gardner has made his own is not stated. Perhaps better, to apply the anecdote famously attributed to Churchill, he's made clear enough to his clients what he does for a living, and it only remains to haggle about the price.

The Chaplaincy program works with people from all religious backgrounds as well as those who are not a part of a spiritual tradition. The program offers individual counseling, group counseling and the celebration of spiritual sacraments such as baptism of the still born fetus and blessings for the aborted fetus.

Put aside the sacrilegious vacuity of "baptising" the unbaptisable remains of a stillborn child, and consider the grim fact that the baby murdered "with the consent of the minister" could have been baptised -- for real.

The program works with many different religions and is prepared to do, or arrange for, religious services from any spiritual religion. The services of Women's Health Care Serves is a coordinated effort so that every patient and significant other can experience the healing of body, mind and spirit.

Beautiful. It must be a comfort to the "insignificant others" who were recipients of Dr. Tiller's ministrations that those they left behind have holistic support -- for body, mind, and spirit -- in their time of distress.

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