magistra, si?
By ( articles ) | Nov 21, 2007
From Maryland comes yet another while-you-weren't-paying-attention story about Catholic priests who just happen to be women. You don't need to read it (by now you could probably write it yourself), but the lede raises an interesting point:
Priest Andrea Johnson of Annapolis, dressed in a white robe, the red swirls on her sash rippling like water, lifts a goblet of wine to offer Holy Communion at the Stony Run Friends meetinghouse in North Baltimore on Nov. 12. Behind her, Deacon Gloria Carpeneto of Catonsville offers grape juice and gluten-free rice cakes to those on restricted diets.
So we've got priests who aren't priests offering food-stuffs that couldn't be consecrated even if they were. Here's my question: does there exist a woman priest or a supporter of women's ordination who would discountenance the Eucharistic use of rice cakes and grape juice as invalid? Does anyone in fact maintain the Church is wrong about valid matter in the one instance and right about it in the other? If so, it would be interesting to hear the arguments for the Church's authority in the case where she's got it right.
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