Latex Lovers
By ( articles ) | Nov 12, 2003
Catholics for a Free Choice has decided to reinforce its pro-abortion advocacy by launching a Condoms4Life Campaign, with the customary ads in the Washington Post, etc. It's dismaying, if not surprising, to note that pro-condom Bishop Kevin Dowling earns hearty congratulations from Frances Kissling and company:
The Condoms4Life campaign has praised those bishops who support a change in church policy. For example, Bishop Kevin Dowling from Rustenburg, South Africa has spoken out in favor of condoms as an AIDS prevention tool. In the current issue of U.S. Catholic, Bishop Dowling has written an article entitled "Let's not condemn condoms in the fight against AIDS," in which he states, "I believe our credibility as a church is on the line here ... For me, the condom ... question is not simply a matter of chastity but of justice."
It's an interesting coincidence that Ms. Kissling's and Bishop Dowling's personal enthusiasms should dovetail in what each is pleased to describe as "pro-life" efforts, and that for both The Pro-Life Solution should entail infertile sexual intercourse. Doubtless they're equally committed Catholics.
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