Know The Facts

By ( articles ) | Jan 09, 2005

By way of keeping up-to-date on the opposition, you'll be interested to know that the NARAL folks have followed "Choice Chick" with an equally camp flicklet called Creatures from the Far Right. They also invite you to Take the Pro-Choice Personality Challenge. And don't fail to check out the honesty displayed on their Know the Facts page, aimed at college-age youth:

Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs), commonly known as "morning-after pills," can effectively prevent pregnancy if taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. They are a concentrated dosage of ordinary birth control pills that work by blocking ovulation, fertilization, or implantation BEFORE you get pregnant. Further: Emergency contraception does not cause an abortion and will not work once a pregnancy has begun.

This is what Josef Goebbels famously termed the Big Lie technique. Having silently defined pregnancy as a condition that obtains only after implantation of the embryo, and abortion as the ejection or destruction of the embryo once implanted, by definition the human being destroyed by a Morning After Pill was not aborted and its mother was never pregnant with it. This is sheer moral quackery, and they know it.

One wonders whether the NARAL lawyers would encourage college students to condone the thinking of a colonel in the Waffen-SS who argued that no Jews were murdered at Auschwitz, because 1) they ceased to be Jews by entering the camp enclosure in the first place; and 2) "murder" means killing contrary to the laws in force at the time, whereas the extermination camps operated in strictest conformity to military discipline.

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