Keep telling yourself: lust is good
By ( articles - email ) | Dec 04, 2003
When you define away traditional morality, there usually comes a point when you just start calling a sin a virtue. That's what happened in this guest editorial in a Seattle newspaper.
Responsible lust is healthy and normal, providing the driving force for passionate love and joy. Rather than labeling lust a sin, or something to fear, we can benefit by encouraging this wonderful energy as a positive contribution to playful intimacy.That's right, this guy is claiming that lust is good. Just picture that emblematic movie of the 80s, "Greed.": "Greed is good."
Mark Shea quotes a correspondent as replying to this inanity with: "Free love has only broken up countless homes, caused lots of incurable diseases, and led to millions of abortions. Let's give it just one more chance!!"
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