The June issue of Catholic World Report is now out!

By ( articles - email ) | Jun 01, 2004

The June issue of Catholic World Report is now on newsstands and here's what you'll find inside:

  • Strange Alliance: CWR probes the Vatican's curious enthusiasm for the United Nations. John Mallon reports that for years a powerful faction within the UN has been aggressively promoting “sexual and reproductive rights,” and supporting universal access to legal abortion in the name of health. Austin Ruse answers questions about his experience as a pro-life activist in “a dangerous place.” And Mindy Belz of World magazine shows how a UN panel created for the purpose of bringing to heel repressive regimes and dictators has turned into a toothless agency that ends up doing their bidding.
  • Hard to Understand?: The Pope's statement about the moral obligation to provide food and water for “vegetative” patients seemed quite clear, Thomas A. Szyszkiewicz recalls-to everyone except the leaders of the Catholic health-care establishment in America.
  • A Liturgical "Examination of Conscience": A new document from Rome lists, and condemns, common types of liturgical abuse.
  • The Catholic Candidate?: The presidential candidacy of a Catholic who supports unrestricted legal abortion has pushed American bishops to take a public stand, and several have issued strong statements indicating that no public figure who supports abortion should receive Holy Communion.
  • Waiting for the Hammer to Strike: New legislation in Canada makes it a “hate crime” to speak out against homosexuality. John-Henry Westen explains why Christian activists expect to be prosecuted.
  • A Cathedral, a Mosque, or Both?: Once it was the greatest mosque in the Islamic world outside Mecca. After the reconquista, it became the cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption. Now the Muslims of Cordoba want permission to hold prayer services inside the Catholic cathedral. The Spanish government-- eager to mollify Muslims in the wake of the March 11 bombings in Madrid-- urged diocesan authorities to approve the request. The Church has declined. As the Islamic demands become more persistent, police are keeping a close watch on the cathedral, hoping to avoid incidents.
  • The Door Left Open: A federal agency rejected over-the-counter sales of the “morning-after” pill-at least for now. But Kenneth Whitehead warns that the struggle is not over.
  • Fears and Hopes: Peggy Noonan explains why she, like the TV mobster Tony Soprano, is worried about terrorism. Thomas J. Nash argues that withholding the Eucharist from a persistent public dissenter is not a radical step, but a modest and necessary defense of the Church, her faithful, and her teachings.
  • And Phil Lawler's Editorial, Cautious Stewardship: Catholic donors should be discriminating in their support for the Church.

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