journalists without [bleep] detectors
By ( articles ) | Nov 12, 2007
Suppose you picked up your morning newspaper, and read that the local softball team, sponsored by Ken's Transmission Specialists, had won the World Series.
"That doesn't seem right," you might say to yourself. The boys from Ken's are as good as any nine men when it comes to pounding the Budweiser, but in terms of athletic ability.... And didn't some team from Boston just win the Series? Puzzled, you read on. The story explains that the World Series took place in the parking lot behind Sal's Discount Suds.
At this point you realize that the story is complete-- well, "nonsense" is the polite term. You realize that the editor of the sports page is incompetent, and you think seriously about cancelling your subscription. Right?
Then you probably won't be impressed with the editors in St. Louis who gave the OK to a story that begins:
A couple of firsts: Two women were ordained as Roman Catholic priests Sunday in St. Louis -- and the ordination was in a synagogue.
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Posted by: -
Dec. 05, 2009 11:26 AM ET USA
What of the efforts of COMMONWEAL magazine to pass over Weakland's carryings-on. The preface to his excusing memoirs was written by the former editor of that fishwrap. They were given a laudatory review in the same. Or is it that we should take these two actions as reasons not to bother with that weakly? Has there been a review in AMERICA? or the NAT CATH MISREPORTER?
Posted by: -
Dec. 04, 2009 10:15 PM ET USA
Nero's Fiddle: Essays in honor of a burning Rome
Posted by: -
Dec. 04, 2009 4:40 PM ET USA
His Disgrace. That's a good title.
Posted by: adamah -
Dec. 04, 2009 2:49 PM ET USA
Interesting. Many pedophiles believe they are "seduced" by young children. Seems like the same thing this disgrace stated in his Herald of Hope Column.