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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on April 26, 2024.

eNewsletter Subject: All are welcome, but are they interested?

In Pope Francis's new interview on CBS, the Holy Father discusses the problem of unwelcoming pastors. This is all well and good, but Phil Lawler wants to focus on a more fundamental problem for pastors. The Pope says you're welcome. But are you interested?

Phil also makes an appeal to our bishops: Time to resist the 'gender-affirming' juggernaut.

I think it is safe to say that if we all had more appreciation of and gratitude for the gift of baptism, we would seek holiness with greater enthusiasm. Jeff Mirus discusses a European tradition that could be imported to America for fun and (spiritual) profit: Mothering Sunday: The baptismal holiday we missed in America.

In the latest episode of our Way of the Fathers podcast, continuing the series on the early heresies, Jim Papandrea covers the most famous of them all - Arianism: A Man Who Became a God(?).


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