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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on March 15, 2024.

eNewsletter Subject: The universality of Christ

The director of the new Cabrini film, Alejandro Monteverde, downplayed the saint's Catholic faith in order, he says, to tell a more universal story. The suppressed premise: Christ is not universal. Because his comments are discouraging Catholic artists who have high aspirations for both art and evangelization, I wrote a follow-up to my original review: Cabrini and the denial that Christ is for everyone.

In a way, this is a story about the importance of not letting spiritual (and artistic) ambitions be circumscribed by worldly ones. So it's fitting that Phil Lawler and Jeff Mirus have something to say about zeal in their latest commentaries.

Phil on the recent rash of church attacks: 'For zeal for thy house has consumed me'

Jeff on the forms of honesty we find more or less expedient: On the sacrifice of telling the truth


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