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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on January 20, 2015.

eNewsletter Subject: A Myriad of Problems for the Church?

When we scan the news, we encounter a seemingly unlimited range of problems with which the beleaguered Church must cope.

I highlight one, theological in character, which causes too many divisions today. I refer to mistaken ideas about the Gospel. See my latest On the Culture: Christ freed us from our sins! But this is not enough. Really.

Then there is the overall sense of the world in opposition to the Church, which we now experience on a global scale. Phil Lawler highlights Pope Francis' suggestion for realizing the sobering truth: A revealing book recommendation from the Pope.

The approach of Lent seems somehow to bring the world and the Church into an almost violent confrontation culminating in Fat Tuesday. Jennifer Gregory Miller explores Carnival as Christians should see it: Carnival Part One: A Season of Contrasts....

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