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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on October 10, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: About this Synod

To tell the truth, we know very little about the progress of the Synod on the Family, for reasons Phil Lawler explains in his latest commentary, What's wrong with this Synod, II: Debate is free, open (and censored).

Phil thinks we may know enough to seriously wonder whether the bishops are dithering a bit. See his initial comments in What’s wrong with this Synod, I: Shuffling the deck chairs.

So here we have a fairly clear picture of the frustrations which the Synod can cause. However, I have personally settled on a different approach.

In what is also the first of a series, I explain why I believe initial expectations can be low without final expectations being low: A chaotic synod? Reason one. There are other key questions, so I'll continue next week....

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