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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on October 3, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: As the Synod on the Family Opens...

The Synod on the Family opens on Sunday. There will be a second synod a year from now, so do not expect rapid recommendations. These synods are as important for stimulating courageous and effective episcopal leadership as for anything else.

With this in mind, Cardinal Angelo Scola's anticipatory reflections in Communio are notworthy for emphasizing the importance of marriage, both anthropologically and sacramentally: Between Anthropology and the Eucharist.

In contrast, I can't help but wonder whether the approach Cardinal Walter Kasper has been advocating does not actually undercut something natural to man and essential to Christianity itself. See my latest In Depth Analysis: Does the Kasper proposal undermine the New Covenant?

The key to a life of holiness is not grand gestures but sacrificial fidelity to the everyday demands of our vocations. The exemplar of this "little way" is the Little Flower. Jennifer Gregory Miller applies this to family life in St. Thérèse and Her Way of Trust and Love For Our Lives....

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