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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on September 23, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: The Salvific Unity of the Church

It is not for nothing that we have culture in our name!

I am happy to announce that the second installment of Thomas Van's review essay on The Mystery of Music has just been released. It seems that music has its own role to play in uniting us with God.

I am also glad that negotiations between the Church and the Society of St. Pius X have been reopened, for hope is not lost. But we cannot forget what we learned last time, as I explain in SSPX adherents pose an obstacle to reconciliation.

The negotiations are, of course, another sign of salvific unity. And still another of these signs manifested itself in response to a Black Mass in Oklahoma City: Eucharistic Adoration, a Sure Sign of Catholic Renewal....

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