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This Insights eNewsletter was sent to subscribers on April 4, 2014.

eNewsletter Subject: The Ways of the World and the Church

In the 1950s it was hard for many in the West to see how much difference Christianity made to a person's life. Most people had fairly similar values. Fast forward two generations, and all that has changed.

It rapidly became clear that public morality was only incidentally Christian, and that this would change rapidly. Many first noticed this when legal abortion burst upon the scene, though it was already obvious in divorce and contraception, among other things.

The gap is opening again with homosexuality and gay marriage. Consider this incident in the secular world: CEO resigns following outrage over support for marriage initiative. Mozilla's Brendan Eich has been forced out of the company he helped to found.

Now continue this news story concerning the Church: Vatican investigation focuses on Cardinal O'Brien, misconduct in Scottish archdiocese. Nothing could more effectively signal Pope Francis' determination to flush out homosexual networks among the clergy....

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