Catholic Culture News
Catholic Culture News

His highly-developed staff

By Fr. Wilson ( articles ) | Oct 22, 2003

One hopes and prays that the tragic situation of Terri Schiavo down in Florida leads to much good. Hundreds of thousands of people have gotten involved by letting the state of Florida know of their concern. Priests have weighed in on this and other life issues from the pulpit. And the issues involved have been brought to public attention and, one hopes, caused many people to reflect on our society and reverence for life.

Where, in all of this, is Bishop Robert Lynch???

The story, as it has unfolded, is amazing. There have been any number of points at which the Church could have mounted vigorous public protest. Things got to such a pass that an eighty-year old Monsignor who has been faithfully visiting Mrs. Schiavo was prevented by police, at the demand of Mrs. Schiavo's husband's attorney, from administering Holy Communion to her -- indeed, what he thought would probably be her Viaticum.

Last week, as the drama intensified, his chancery office was deluged with calls, FAXes and emails from people begging Bishop Lynch to get involved publicly; they were told that he was on a "staff development retreat." This week, as events continue to unfold, one looks in vain for his name in reports from Florida. Perhaps the Bishop runs his staff on an Ignatian model, and this "staff development retreat" is one of those thirty day Ignatian thangs. Perhaps.

But there was a withering comment made by one columnist, to the effect that if Terri Schiavo were on death row, having murdered three people while knocking over a liquor store, the Florida episcopate would be lined up outside the Governor's Office clamoring for her life to be spared.

We must continue to offer our Masses, Holy Communions, rosaries, support for Terri Schiavo, her family, her friends, and those who have devoted themselves to witnessing to the Gospel of Life in this hour.

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