High Price of Incense Causes Budget Shortfalls Says Vicar

By ( articles ) | Nov 19, 2003

Use has been made of the "impersonal passive" in dribbling out a little more sordid detail about the scenes from clerical life on the Cape.

State Police are examining financial records at St. Joseph's Church after the Rev. Bernard Kelly admitted there was a "misappropriation of funds" while he was pastor. Kelly, 70, has been embroiled in the murder investigation of Jonathan Wessner. He was one of the first people interviewed by police when the 20-year-old Falmouth man disappeared Sept. 20.

Kelly admitted to Fall River Diocese Bishop George Coleman that there was a "misappropriation." Coleman then asked Cape and Islands District Attorney Michael O'Keefe to investigate. It is too early to say whether criminal charges will be forthcoming or whether "misappropriation" meant Kelly stole the money, said John Kearns, spokesman for the Fall River Diocese, yesterday.

Let me guess: the butler did it.

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