got milk?

By ( articles ) | Feb 06, 2009

 In his generally unfriendly treatment of Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos (see the previous entry), Jeff Israely of Time magazine provides a remarkable anecdote about the Colombian cardinal:

He has gone deep into Colombian jungles to mediate between leftist guerrillas and right-wing death squads, and once, while still a bishop, he showed up at the house of cocaine king Pablo Escobar disguised as a milkman. Revealing himself, Castrillón implored Escobar to confess his sins, which, presumably at some considerable length, the vicious gangster did.

The jocular tone of the last sentence is puzzling. Does the author find the prelate's action comical? He shouldn't. At considerable risk to himself, then-Bishop Castrillon admonished a sinner-- a work of mercy-- and administered a sacrament. Unorthodox in his methods, maybe, but he was thoroughly admirable in his intent-- and, as it turns out, his results.

If Archbishop Niederauer ever feels the urge to pick up a couple of half-gallons (skim, I'd imagine) and head over to the Pelosi residence... 

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