the full range of opinions, from A to B

By ( articles ) | Aug 24, 2006

If you look at the Voice of the Faithful home page you'll see the standard disclaimers:

  • We accept the teaching authority of the Catholic Church.
  • We have taken no position on the many other issues that divide Catholics in 2002.
  • We do not advocate the end of priestly celibacy, the exclusion of homosexuals from the priesthood, the ordination of women, or any of the other remedies that have been proposed across the spectrum of Catholic thought.
  • We do not endorse any organizations or interest groups.

Then if you glance at the latest VOTF newsletter, you'll find a nice quote from dissident theologian Daniel Maguire, a notice of a new book by dissident theologian Charles Curran, and notices calling attention to the 10th anniversary of the Common Ground Initiative, a report on women in the Church, an argument for admitting divorced-and-remarried Catholics to Communion, another essay on women in the Church, and an America article by a CCD teacher whose daughter is a lesbian.

Notice, VOTF doesn't endorse any of these things. They just thought you'd be interested. So did I.

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