By ( articles ) | Dec 22, 2003

I like the Web Elves a great deal. That's what the intrepid and unfailingly cheerful souls behind the CaNN, the "Classical Anglican Net News," call themselves. Weblogging out of Canada, they're a crew who have caught the joy of the Gospel and witness to orthodox Faith in a world that derides such commitment. And they're a fantastic source of news from across the spectrum of Christianity and beyond. And they're obviously having lots of fun. Bookmark them.

Here's a sample of them in their reflective mode. Their reflection here on liberal Anglicanism is easily applicable to wherever progressive Catholicism has a beachhead.

" A THOUGHT on the ungospel of liberal Anglicanism. Why celebrate? Celebrate what? If we are full of wisdom and goodness, why do we need a saviour? Christmas and Easter become celebrations of ourselves at worst, and God's winking approval and high-5 to us at best. Just imagine: Griswold, Bennison, Ingham, Robinson, Peers and the rest-- the pinnacle of Christianity to this point: the wisest ever in the history of the church; the revealers of God's new big plan; the martyrs for the true church in travail against all the -isms and -phobias set against them: behold their works, ye mighty, and despair. Yet that's all they have to offer: despair. As David Curry has put it,

"We lose sight of God. Indeed, God is removed from the horizon of our minds and, certainly, from the forefront of our lives. This is our willfulness, the greater darkness that remains without and within. We are not alive to the grandeur of God, let alone to the even greater grandeur of God’s being with us."

If such petty tyrants as currently strut the stage are our hope, then we have little to hope for; if 'God with us and in us' amounts to ourselves, then what a small and embarrassing deity we have; if liberal religion is the light dawning, then how great is the darkness, for they cannot illumine anything, save anything-- their own religion being so narrow, uninformed, ungracious, and intolerant. We look for a saviour to rescue us from such tinny and false 'saviours'-- and find in Him the light and truth and hope and salvation and true shepherding which is the salvation of the whole world ..."

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