et tutu, brutute?

By ( articles ) | Nov 28, 2007

Archbishop Desmond Tutu "declares himself ashamed that, on the 'long journey from Calvary to Lambeth', the Church [of England] has become homophobic" -- An article in the Church Times tells us so. And the BBC's former South Africa correspondent explains why the Archbishop is deserving of our attention:

“[Tutu's] moral authority -- inside and outside the Church -- is unique. When he says his Church has lost its way, is obsessed with people's private lives rather than the great public issues of war and disease and oppression; that it is obeying fallible scripture rather than the divine priorities of Christ -- the world listens."

"Fallible scripture" is contrasted with "the divine priorities of Christ." Excellent. And where, exactly, did Desmond (and chums) learn about Christ's divine priorities?

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  • Posted by: TheJournalist64 - Nov. 24, 2009 8:09 PM ET USA

    I continue to believe that so-called liturgical dance "happened" because the exquisite choreography and music of the chanted Solemn High Mass in what is now the extraordinary form was abandoned nationwide.

  • Posted by: adamah - Nov. 24, 2009 8:24 AM ET USA

    Maybe this has been just a misunderstanding. Maybe Governor Sanford was in South America just to learn more liturgical dance moves. Ya never know.....