Easter eBook Released
By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Mar 22, 2012
If you’re following the Liturgical Year with the aid of the eBooks we’ve developed for this purpose, you’ll be happy to know that the fourth volume in the series, Easter, was just releaed today at shop.catholicculture.org. This one covers the period from the Easter Vigil through Pentecost Sunday.
The file you will download when you purchase from our store contains all three eBook formats: PDF, MOBI (Amazon Kindle), and EPUB (Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iPAD, and most other standard eReader devices). You download the file to your PC, unzip it, connect your eReader to your PC, and then copy the format you need to your device.
For those who prefer to use your Kindle to retrive books directly from the Kindle store on Amazon, or to use your Nook to retrieve directly from the Nook store on Barnes & Noble, you'll find that the appropriate versions will be available in those stores within the next two days. (They are currently pending approval, which can take a day or two.)
We welcome feedback on our ebooks!
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