don't ask me, pal, i just work here

By ( articles ) | Mar 07, 2007

Via Gerald Augustinus: Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony takes advantage of the Religious Ed Confab for an on-line chat with adults. The arch-evangelist in action:

Moderator: From Denny: Why can only men become priests, and not women?
Cardinal Mahony: The moderator has better answers than I do to that question!!!


I'll say this for his Eminence: it's a more truthful answer than last year's winner.

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  • Posted by: sparch - May. 17, 2010 4:45 PM ET USA

    The intention for the the pope's prayers this month are for an end to human trafficking. I dare say this too is form of human trafficking that should be included in the intention of Benedict's prayers.

  • Posted by: wolfdavef3415 - May. 14, 2010 11:07 PM ET USA

    I hate to draw the comparison, but the business of mortuary affairs is rife with scandals of pretending to bury a person, while, in one instance, instead stacking the corpses in a garage, or in another, leaving them to the wolves.

  • Posted by: Chestertonian - May. 14, 2010 9:33 PM ET USA

    Part of the problem with our contraceptive culture is the view of children as both a right and a commodity. One recently realized problem of a physical sort is the discovery that the IVF-conceived child is likely to carry on the infertility of his or her parent(s), creating even further demand for the artificially conceived 'commodity.' We must loudly proclaim that children are a good, a gift from God, but we have no right to children and no right to manipulate our bodies to procure them.

  • Posted by: TheJournalist64 - May. 14, 2010 7:51 PM ET USA

    Several years ago I wrote a piece for HPR called "The Multiple Injustices of IVF," and it's still right on target. This procedure needs to be illegal.