Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary
Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary


By Diogenes ( articles ) | Feb 14, 2007

Edwards's other staffer, the exquisite Melissa McEwan, has announced that she's quitting the campaign trail:

There will be some who clamor to claim victory for my resignation, but I caution them that in doing so, they are tacitly accepting responsibility for those who have deluged my blog and my inbox with vitriol and veiled threats. It is not right-wing bloggers, nor people like Bill Donohue or Bill O'Reilly, who prompted nor deserve credit for my resignation, no matter how much they want it, but individuals who used public criticisms of me as an excuse to unleash frightening ugliness, the likes of which anyone with a modicum of respect for responsible discourse would denounce without hesitation.

Emphasis mine.

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  • Posted by: - Jun. 03, 2010 10:08 AM ET USA

    If there is confusion about the concept of "orientation," I submit that is the fault of the gay lobby and their enablers at the NYT. This article includes the obligatory quote about "scientific studies" that de-link pedophilia from homosexuality, but then the purveyors of that notion propose to suggest that older men having sex with post-pubescent teenagers aren't necessarily homosexual. Ergo, being homosexual or homosexually-oriented is whatever suits the gay lobby's argument at the time.

  • Posted by: rpp - Jun. 01, 2010 6:31 PM ET USA

    I believe the level of confusion on this issue is inversely proportional to level truth-telling by the "confused".

  • Posted by: Gil125 - Jun. 01, 2010 3:29 PM ET USA

    May one suggest a small edit, Di? In the 5th graf, opening sentence, "...since the seminary rectors professed to remain confused..." you might want to change the word "professed" to "preferred." "There are none so blind as those who will not see."

  • Posted by: - May. 31, 2010 9:29 PM ET USA

    I think they have the same semantic difficulty with "orientation" as I do with "Gaza peace activist."