decline & fall

By ( articles ) | Nov 23, 2009

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) - South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford faces ethics charges he broke state laws more than three dozen times by violating rules on airplane travel and campaign money, according to details of the allegations released Monday.

So ledes today's AP story on Mark Sanford, which tells us that "four GOP lawmakers already have filed a resolution that would force Sanford from office because of 'dereliction of duty'."

Told you so. OTR revealed Sanford's decline from decency 17 months ago -- more than a year before the bizarre disappearance that precipitated the public scandal in which he finds himself. With the help of alert readers, we were able to provide irrefutable documentary proof that the man was trafficking with spirits of the dead ... or at least channeling Sister Corita:

Mark Sanford
Governor -- State of South Carolina

WHEREAS, dancing is a vital component of our culture and heritage, providing a means of self-expression through art; and

WHEREAS, the choreographic vocabulary of liturgical dance utilizes a variety of visual art forms, including ballet, tap, jazz, African, and modern dance, hip-hop, mime, and sign language; and

WHEREAS, as a form of prayer and ministry, liturgical dance unites body, mind and spirit in visual praise and worship.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mark Sanford, Governor of the Great State of South Carolina, do hereby proclaim April 30, 2005, as


throughout the state and encourage all South Carolinians to learn more about this spiritual art form.

Dereliction of duty?  I suppose it depends what the Governor was smoking at the time.  Thankfully there are stalwart South Carolinians who resisted his entreaty to learn more about this spiritual art form and whose choreographic vocabulary remains unexpanded.

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