core values
By ( articles ) | Jul 13, 2006
More on the careful creation of Hillary. Her handlers think she can learn to fake naturalness. The problem is finding a natural self that will sell in 2008.
The intense curiosity about Clinton -- as well as the challenge she faces in supplying politically salable answers -- is not new. In her Arkansas and White House years, she at times eschewed the traditional images of the political wife, initially not taking the Clinton name, pursuing her legal career and, on the campaign trail in 1992, offending some with remarks that they interpreted as disparaging to women who stay at home and bake cookies. ...
Even her physical appearance was long unsettled. First ladies generally show up at the White House with a dependable style, but Clinton routinely changed hers. Only in recent years has she put forth a fairly reliable professional look, almost always wearing pantsuits and keeping her hair short and blond. ...
"She will define herself, and we will have the money to do it," said one close adviser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because Clinton has forbidden those close to her to speculate publicly about 2008. "People have to get to know her, know that she was once a Republican, that she's a big Methodist. ... That will happen."
Her opponents' cynicism about Hillary is refreshingly innocent, being so pale in comparison to the cynicism of her supporters. Even Mephistopheles would choke on his Coco-Puffs reading that last graf. "Which lie would you like to be told ...?"
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