cor ad cor loquitur
By ( articles ) | May 25, 2003
The Boston Globe's latest minuet on the grave:
Just after New Year's Day in 2002, as the Globe's Spotlight Team was putting the finishing touches on an explosive story about the Archdiocese of Boston's handling of a sexually abusive priest, the phone rang in Connors's office on the 39th floor of the John Hancock Tower. It was Cardinal Bernard F. Law, asking Connors for advice. Best known as the city's most successful adman, Connors is also a devout Catholic, and so he drove out to Law's residence in Brighton to see how he could help. That encounter -- from Connors's perspective -- was a disaster. Connors says he asked Law how many other cases of abusive priests there were, and the long-time archbishop of Boston told him "there may be one or two."
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