Church personnel? Third door on your left.
By Diogenes ( articles ) | Apr 26, 2003
The National Catholic Reporter posts an account by Gill Donovan of a Common Ground Initiative conference on the changing identity of the priest. Among the background comments was the following by an anonymous clergyman.
"This past autumn, I was at the annual meeting of the National Association of Church Personnel Administrators, and there was a track for priests involved in personnel work, and it was just breathtaking the lack of confidence that some of the priests felt about their bishops' ability to deal with this crisis. It was in some ways frightening, this feeling that we're not sure where we're going to go."
Did it never occur to the participants in the annual meeting of the National Association of Church Personnel Administrators that high on the list of reasons for doubting their bishops' capacity for addressing the crisis might be the proliferation of professional associations like the National Association of Church Personnel Administrators?
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