choosing enemies
By ( articles ) | Sep 16, 2006
When does a New York Times rush out an editorial supporting the demands of militant Muslims?
- When they demand Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.
- When they demand apologies for cartoons mocking their faith.
- When they demand retraction of a statement made in a scholarly address by the head of the universal Catholic Church.
You don't even have to read the text, do you. You already know.
Oddly enough the London Times, in its own editorial, gets the story exactly right. Well worth reading.
And if you read the (London) Times Online piece, perhaps you'll understand why the New York Times sees Pope Benedict as an intellectual adversary.
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Posted by: -
Oct. 22, 2010 11:23 AM ET USA
Charity prevents asking whether the poor soul's suicide was prompted by his wife's overweening ambition to "start a family."
Posted by: sparch -
Oct. 19, 2010 10:15 AM ET USA
Maybe she can hire someone else raise the child, educate the child and send him/her off to college. She can stand back and admire her work from afar. 'Look at what I have done!" Sounds like the modern thinking process. Divorce yourself from responsibility unless things go well. Then take all the credit.