By ( articles ) | Jul 18, 2007
Chris Weinkopf, the editorial-page editor of the Los Angeles Daily News, interviewed Cdl Mahony yesterday, and logs this gem:
Weinkopf: What about the charge that the problem is a lack of discipline and orthodoxy in the seminaries?
Mahony: Well, first of all that's one of the things that we still are studying. As you know, the bishops are conducting a study of causes.... In our case, many of the priests came out of the "good old days" -- Latin-only, cassocks-only.... Most of our cases did not come out of post-Vatican II, they came out of pre-Vatican II.
Uncle Di's translation: You bet ya Chris! Orthodoxy? couldn’t agree with you more! Most of the perps in my neck of the woods were right up Benedict’s alley, likin bells and smells, "Moto Proprio", and all that stuff. Breeds perverts, ya know!
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Posted by: -
Feb. 08, 2010 7:22 PM ET USA
I have no doubt that we have many good an faithful bishops, all of whom are members of the USCCB. However, it should come as a surprise to no one that the USCCB staff is far and long ago in need of a house cleaning. And when faithful Catholics challenge what has been going on in their own organization, what do we see? "Rally 'round the flag, boys! Those &^%$& conservative Catholics are attacking us again!" Can anyone say Clericalism?
Posted by: annedanielson4099 -
Feb. 06, 2010 12:14 PM ET USA
It is important to note that there are many Faithful members of the USCCB, who need our Prayers and support.
Posted by: lschwarzenberger6939 -
Feb. 06, 2010 1:02 AM ET USA
It's a little puzzling that the USCCB was so pro-life in regards to the health care bill. And yet, we've been funding abortion in our country and other countries as well, with taxpayer money, through Planned parenthood, etc. They should be more outspoken about that.
Posted by: unum -
Feb. 05, 2010 8:43 PM ET USA
No one is attacking John Carr for his personal beliefs. But, if he is helping organizations that advocate for abortion and homosexuality, then he has no place in the USCCB organization. Even more disturbing than Carr's associations is the apparent lack of oversight of the USCCB by the bishops and their willingness to defend the questionable actions of their employees. I predict a rough future for USCCB and declining credibility unless they show that they are truly engaged in the work of Christ.
Posted by: -
Feb. 05, 2010 7:51 PM ET USA
This is like saying Mussolini was okay, because at least he made the trains run on time. I have no respect for the USCCB. How in God's name could they, year-in and year-out, lie, deceive, and collect millions of dollars from the laity to support groups in total opposition to the Church's teachings?! Listen to and the American Life League (ALL) to learn the truth. The USCCB, if they had any decency at all, would get down on their knees and beg Almighty God for forgiveness. Fat chance! I challenge the good bishops to leave this satanic organization now.
Posted by: jeremiahjj -
Feb. 05, 2010 7:12 PM ET USA
I think people make things too complicated. I am of the duck persuasion where if something walks, talks and quacks, it are a duck. In Carr's case, he has compromised himself to the extent that he needs to go. And so do those staffers who have been rallying around him. Carr may be a fine man in lots of ways but he's been too out front and public on the wrong issues for a person who works for the USCCB. He needs to go, if not voluntarily, then otherwise.
Posted by: TheJournalist64 -
Feb. 05, 2010 7:03 PM ET USA
The problem is that leftists read part of some of the social encyclicals and then boast about how well their position "overlaps" that of the Catholic Church. The real problem is that at the heart of contemporary leftist philosophy is a rejection of the Lordship of Christ and the fundamental importance of the twin "great" commandments to all of life, including social life.
Posted by: -
Feb. 05, 2010 6:53 PM ET USA
The government is pro-abortion: if healthcare is controlled by the government it will pay for abortion sooner or later.
Posted by: annedanielson4099 -
Feb. 05, 2010 5:26 PM ET USA
The CCHD has contributed to several groups that undermine our Catholic Faith and Morals, the USCCB continues to post,"Always Our Children" on their website despite the fact that this document is not consistent with the teaching of the Magisterium of The Catholic Church, the Mandatum, as it appears on the USCCB website, is not actually a Mandatum, (just google "Always Our Children" to find out more about the cast of characters involved in writing that document, and Mandatum)what is going on?