the cardinal speaks

By ( articles ) | Mar 18, 2005

With all due respect, Cardinal, I think many parents would wonder what it is like to live in a rectory with a man who has had sex with young boys. Did you feel squeamish?

Well, again, [Fr. Carl Sutphin] was undergoing counseling and spiritual direction and he was trying to turn his life around and seemed to be doing a good job at the jail. He was very much liked over there by the officials. ....

You were quite a supporter of Bishop Ziemann. He resigned from Santa Rosa amidst a huge scandal, as you know. Don't you think he should be laicized?

Excuse me, I'm not sure I know what you mean by 'a great supporter.'

The full text of Jason Berry's telephone interview with Cardinal Mahony is up in PDF format. Worth a look.

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