the bad news is you got the death penalty

By ( articles ) | Nov 16, 2007

The good news is that the sentence was handed down in writing:

A Missouri surgeon who participated in dozens of state executions until he was barred by a federal judge concerned by his dyslexia and lack of expertise is aiding in federal executions, court records show.

What -- the federal courts dictating medical procedure? A dangerous precedent.

Last year, U.S. District Judge Fernando Gaitan Jr. ruled that Dr. Alan Doerhoff of Jefferson City could not participate "in any manner, at any level, in the State of Missouri's lethal injection process."

I suspect Doerhoff messed up in his Good Touch/Bad Touch workshop.

Doerhoff was the target of more than 20 malpractice suits and was reprimanded by the state for failing to disclose them.

You're telling us Doerhoff's surviving patients complained ...?

But it was the doctor's own admission in court that he was dyslexic, transposed numbers, and worked without the benefit of a written lethal injection protocol, despite his lack of training in anesthesiology, that led to Gaitan's "grave concerns" and decision to bar him.

Grave concerns. Had you realized linguistic impairment was a communicable disease?

Doerhoff, 63, told The Associated Press last year that news coverage of the disclosure had "poisoned" his career.

At least it was nothing fatal.

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