By Fr. Rutler
Showing most recent 6 items by this author.
The Anglican "summit"
Anglicanism has had a fascination for religious romantics. Such observers can be expected to misread the Church of England and her desiccated satellites. To an amusing degree, many of these innocents in the press abroad and domestic expected that the “summit” of Anglican primates at Lambeth would...
How odd:
Progressivists get angry when Catholics approve genetically-altered vegetables, but applaud when Episcopalians approve genetically-altered bishops. ...
The Liturgical Press of Collegeville, Minnesota, whose lectionary commentaries are used across the USA, has this comment on the Gospel for June 21: First-century Christians lived a simpler life....Jesus, however, could hardly imagine the pressures of a twenty-first century world. Those...
Will this fraud be exposed?
The NY Times-- like many other media outlets-- recently front-paged the "discovery" of an ancient burial site with the inscription: "James, brother of Jesus." Now this story reveals that the inscription was a hoax. Archeological experts agree that the inscription was forged, probably by...
Apologies due?
Today the Pope condemned the American-British attacks on Iraq, expressing concern for the harm this may do to relations between Christians and Muslims. I would remark two things. One, the Muslims have rejected Christ and, while we pray for goodwill between Christians and Muslims, we should pray in...
Realism lacking in bishops' statements
President Bush's speech on March 17 was sober, forthright, and classical in its reasoning. On the same day, Prime Minister Blair delivered a speech in the House of Commons which stunned even policy opponents with its eloquence and intelligence. Contrast these with the statements of such as...
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