Around the blogs today

By ( articles - email ) | Jul 31, 2003

Here's what's new and interesting in Catholic blogs today:

  • RC at Catholic Light mentions news that there may have been a Eucharistic miracle in India in Syro-Malankar rite church. Also, at the same blog John Schultz discusses parish-shopping and sacramental SWAT teams who stand at the ready to visit hellfire on any liturgical deviation at Mass.
  • Tom Fitzpatrick at Recta Ratio discusses Archbishop Sean O'Malley's homily at his installation Mass in Boston yesterday and his road ahead.
  • Jeff Miller at The Curt Jester contrasts the new Vatican document on homosexual unions with a recent Church of England document called "Being Human."
  • Mark Shea examines the Church's teachings on lying and on ius in bello (just conduct in war) in light of this story on US troops holding the family of an Iraqi general hostage until he turns himself in.
  • "Athanasius" at Summa Contra Mundum counsels against despair that the culture war in America is lost, reminding us that the Church has conquered cultures before.
  • In a related vein, Mark Cameron at Mystique et Politique notes that a few American and Canadian bishops have been speaking out have been speaking out and giving Catholics a reason to be of good cheer.

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