Catholic Culture Liturgical Living
Catholic Culture Liturgical Living

Around the blogs today

By Domenico Bettinelli, Jr. ( articles - email ) | Aug 12, 2003

Here's what's new and interesting on Catholic blogs today:

  • Tom Fitzpatrick has calculated the cost to the Archdiocese of Boston and the other diocese of New England caused by the clergy sex-abuse scandal. The numbers will stagger you.
  • Dale Price gives a hysterical-- and deadly accurate-- analysis of the National Catholic Reporter's cheerleading for gay Episcopal bishop Gene Robinson.
  • Mark Shea discusses the Anti-Defamation League's criticisms of Mel Gibson's "The Passion" and concludes that what they really have a problem with is the Gospels.
  • Fr. Rob Johansen says the election of Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson is nothing more than the "sacramentalization of Lawrence," referring to the Supreme Court decision that struck down anti-sodomy laws. He also notes that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is also opening debate on ordaining homosexuals and approving same-sex marriage.
  • Amy Welborn discusses a recent article in a Pittsburgh newspaper that says that the clergy is becoming a feminized profession.
  • "The Mighty Barrister" has a problem with all this new legislation retroactively lifting statutes of limitation on filing lawsuits that is primarily targeted at the Catholic Church because it is not the only source of child sexual abuse in the country.

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