Around the blogs today

By ( articles - email ) | Nov 11, 2003

Here's what's new and interesting on Catholic blogs today:

  • Mark Shea notes that Leftists who have thrown God out of the mix have elevated politics in His place. And when you do that, all kinds of bizarre motives and arise.
  • Bryan Baldwin discusses an article that warns of the effects of too much praise on children, by which I think they mean unwarranted praise designed to raise their self-esteem and protect them from ever being wrong.
  • Tom Fitzpatrick notices a story out of New Hampshire in which the Supreme Court decided that lesbian sex (and presumably homosexual sex) does not constitute adultery.
  • Amy Welborn sees that the US bishops plan to put out pamphlets containing the results of their long discussions and studies and asks why. Especially since the longest pamphlet is about farming.
  • Every week, Earl Appleby does his own version of Around the Blogs, highlighting the blog entries he finds most significant each day.
  • Bill Luse reproduces an excerpt from a book on St. Thomas More about his loving relationship with his daughter.
  • the Cranky Professor sees the media starting to attack homeschoolers as hippies or fundamentalists not to be trusted with their own children.
  • Carl Olson gives ABC's TV special on The DaVinci Code a well-deserved critique.
  • Father Todd Reitmyer gives a short review of the TV show "Joan of Arcadia" and then discusses the wearing of clerics in public.

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