Around the blogs today
By ( articles - email ) | Nov 14, 2003
Here's what's new and interesting on Catholic blogs today:
- Tom Fitzpatrick looks at some of the recent announcements by Archbishop Sean O'Malley of Boston. He's setting himself apart from a fellow bishop on the same-sex unions issue and says he's going to meet with Voice of the Faithful. Good or bad?
- Jeff Miller noticed the US bishops this week also discussed high-school catechetical texts and their generally poor quality. He wonders, though, whether we could expect a bishops' conference committee to produce anything better.
- Back when Terri Schiavo was being straved to death by court order, it became known that her family's 80-year-old priest was unable to keep up and no priests of their diocese were willing to step forward to help. That's when the Catholic blogging world stepped up and Fr. Rob Johansen volunteered to go to Florida to offer his ministry. The rest of the "St. Blog's Parish" came forward with donations to fund the trip. Now Fr. Rob reports that after his expenses for the trip, a substantial amount of money remained, which will be donated to the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation.
- David Mills blogs a story of a Democrat senator who saw the light and sees parallels between Roe v. Wade and the Dred Scott decision on slavery.
- Amy Welborn always has links to good articles on the Net.
- Michael Dubriel exceprts a story about a Japanese cardinal who wants John Paul II's successor to call Vatican III.
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