Always Our Grannies

By ( articles ) | Jun 13, 2003

Britain's Telegraph reports on educational advances in health education currently promoted in the U.K. The overseas counterpart of the hate-filled Christian Right are trying to halt the march of progress.

The Christian Institute said councils were recommending inappropriate materials to schools for sex education lessons. In a report, it said East Sussex and Brighton & Hove councils "strongly recommend" to young people a book, Pathways to Sexual Health, which suggests they make their own sex education film using condoms and KY jelly. Along with Gloucestershire council, it also recommends Beyond a Phase, published by the Health Promotion Service of Avon. Children aged 13 and over are asked to "role play" characters including a bisexual granny, a transvestite cabaret artist, a 62-year-old lesbian and a 16-year-old Asian lesbian.

Odd to consider how it is that my parents, who passed through their school years without ever having to role-play a bisexual granny or an Asian lesbian, managed to make it into their 70s with their sexual health intact.

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