5.1 The Doctors of the Church—Introduction
By Dr. James Papandrea ( bio - articles - email ) | Jan 01, 2025 | In Way of the Fathers (Podcast)
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With this episode, we begin our new series on the Doctors of the Church. What is a Doctor of the Church? Are all Doctors also saints? What makes a person a Doctor of the Church? All these questions, and more, will be answered, as well as some hints at what you can expect from this series. Get ready to sample the fruit of some of the greatest minds the Church has ever produced!
To listen to our episode 4.13 on Pelagianism: https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/413-heresiespelagianism-and-seeds-calvinism/
Dr. Papandrea’s Homepage: http://www.jimpapandrea.com
To ask questions, make comments, or interact with Dr. Papandrea, join the conversation in the Original Church Community: https://theoriginalchurch.locals.com/
Dr. Papandrea’s latest book, Praying Like the Early Church: https://sophiainstitute.com/product/praying-like-the-early-church/
Theme Music: Gaudeamus (Introit for the Feast of All Saints), sung by Jeff Ostrowski. Courtesy of Corpus Christi Watershed: https://www.ccwatershed.org/
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