2012-2013 Liturgical Year Series: Lent

By Dr. Jeff Mirus ( bio - articles - email ) | Jan 25, 2013

I’ve just released the third volume of our 2012-2013 Liturgical Year Series, which covers Lent. That season begins this year on February 13th. Currently, of course, we’re in Ordinary Time before Lent, which is the second volume.

These eBooks include all the days of the liturgical year, exactly as they appear here on CatholicCulture.org. They are ideal for use in living the liturgical year in the domestic church. The year is divided into six volumes, each of which is downloadable for $5.00, and includes three different formats: MOBI (Amazon Kindle), EPUB (Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iPAD, and other standard eReaders), and PDF (for display on almost any computer device).

The files can be downloaded to your computer, unzipped, and then the appropriate format can be copied to whatever ereading device you use.

All of our eBooks, which topically bundle together either the liturgical year materials or the best commentary from CatholicCulture.org, are available at shop.catholicculture.org. Each download includes all three supported formats. The Kindle format is also available in Amazon’s Kindle store, and the Nook format is also available in Barnes & Noble’s Nook store.

Note: Our shopping site is completely separate from the main website. To make purchases, you must set up a separate account on the shopping site, though you can use the same email address and password. The two sites do not communicate with each other.

Jeffrey Mirus holds a Ph.D. in intellectual history from Princeton University. A co-founder of Christendom College, he also pioneered Catholic Internet services. He is the founder of Trinity Communications and CatholicCulture.org. See full bio.

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