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Under this heading is where you can find each of the NEW commentaries and podcasts our staff has written or recorded over the past week or two. Start here to get caught up then visit our Daily Content, daily.
Daily Content
Under this heading you will find top News and Commentary for the current day, as well as the meaning of the day in the Church’s Liturgical Year. Our material is organized by date and allows you to easily review the preceding 10 days of content by scrolling down the page.
Week Days, Saturdays, Sundays
Weekday content includes news, commentary or podcast posts, while on Saturdays there is also a post for Church Documents or other important texts that were added to our Library during the preceding week. Sunday is a day of rest, so nothing is posted for that day except that Sunday’s liturgical material.
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CATHOLIC CULTURE is an apostolate of Trinity Communications, a non-profit corporation working to advance the Catholic Faith in fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church. Twelve Catholic men and women work regularly on the website, none of whom draws a full-time salary. Our work is offered for the greater glory of God, and made possible only through the generous solidarity of those who use and benefit from our service and resources. Be a laborer in God’s vineyard with us!