Catholic World News

Canadian bishops issue election guide

March 29, 2011

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued an election guide ahead of the May 2 federal election.

The bishops offer five “examples of how Catholic moral and social teaching is to be applied”; these “examples” form “a magnifying glass by which to analyze and evaluate public policies and programs”:

  • respect for life and human dignity: from conception to natural death
  • building a more just society
  • the person and the family
  • Canada in the world: providing leadership for justice and peace
  • a healthy country in a healthy environment
  • 43% of the nation’s 33.8 million people are Catholic.


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    • Posted by: Mike in Toronto - Mar. 29, 2011 6:09 PM ET USA

      In Canada, there are *no laws whatsoever* governing abortion, from conception to birth. Shamefully, the sitting Conservative Prime Minister has stated categorically that no abortion legislation will be enacted during his watch.