Catholic World News

US bishops, CRS declare ‘national day of action’ against foreign aid cuts

March 15, 2011

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) are urging Catholics to contact members of Congress on March 15 “to stop careless cuts to poverty-focused international assistance that cost lives.”

Bishop Howard Hubbard of Albany, chairman of the USCCB committee on international justice and peace, and CRS President Ken Hackett wrote in a February 14 letter:

These priority programs support a wide range of life-saving and dignity-preserving activities, including: agricultural assistance to poor farmers; drugs for people living with HIV and tuberculosis; cost-effective vaccines for preventable diseases; assistance to orphans and vulnerable children; mosquito nets to prevent malaria; food aid for famines, emergencies, and development; emergency health care, shelter, and reconstruction in disaster-devastated places like Haiti; peacekeepers to protect innocent civilians such as in Sudan and the Congo; assistance to migrants and refugees fleeing conflict or persecution; and debt relief for poor nations.


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  • Posted by: unum - Mar. 16, 2011 8:12 AM ET USA

    I notice the bishops are silent on how the government must reduce spending to keep our country from going bankrupt. Are they teaching that the country should spend until it goes broke and can't help anyone? The USCCB is completely out of touch with the people in the pews. Until they "remove the plank from their own eye" and begin to lead Christ's Church, their words will have no effect on God's people.

  • Posted by: Obregon - Mar. 15, 2011 11:07 PM ET USA

    As long as the Conference is seen as the theological arm of the Democratic Party and as the prisoners of leftist committees, serious Catholics will not waste their time hearing what they have to say. The credibility of the Conference has been in question for a long time, and it is high time they get it!

  • Posted by: - Mar. 15, 2011 10:12 AM ET USA

    Maybe if the Bishops would "clean up" the Catholic Relief Services and stop them from supporting the UN's "health" initiatives which include Abortion and Sterilization, they might get more donations and then wouldn't have to depend on "government" for money. What am I saying...USCCB clean up anything? If you doubt this, see American Life League for details. They have details on the CCHD and CRS.

  • Posted by: - Mar. 15, 2011 7:03 AM ET USA

    Apparently, it is to the Godless secular governments that we must look for charity. Not the Church! Hmmm.