Catholic World News

FBI joins with Planned Parenthood to provide training on abortion clinic access

October 04, 2010

Staff of the FBI, the Deparment of Justice, and the National Center for Women and Policing joined with staff of the National Abortion Federation and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America to provide training on the 1994 Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, according to documents obtained by the Alliance Defense Fund. The training took place in Portland, Oregon, in August.

An 84-page resource guide distributed at the training session was apparently coauthored by the Feminist Majority Foundation, the National Abortion Federation, and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (the names of these organizations appear in large type on the guide’s first page). “The resource guide is not only completely one-sided, it adopts the bias against free speech that the abortion movement has been trying to promote for years,” said an Alliance Defense Fund attorney.


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  • Posted by: Obregon - Oct. 04, 2010 11:05 PM ET USA

    Well, what is this, "hope we can hope for?" This is exactly what we got with Obama and many Catholics put him in the White House where his administration is busy undermining Catholic moral teaching and the common good of society in the name of progress. I guess we can begin to change the future in about a month!