Catholic World News

Gay bishop's appointment could fuel Anglican disputes

July 05, 2010

An openly homosexual cleric is the leading candidate to become the Anglican Bishop of Southwark. The appointment could trigger a new round of angry confrontations within the Anglican communion.

Dr. Jeffrey John, who registered a civil partnership with another male Anglican priest in 2006, has emerged as the likely choice for the Southwark appointment. In 2003, John was put forward to become Bishop of Reading, but forced to withdraw when his homosexual relationship was revealed.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, did not block John’s appointment to Southwark. Dr. Williams has asked other Anglican provinces to refrain from appointing female bishops or blessing homosexual unions, in order to avoid inflaming the already-strained relations between liberal and conservative branches of the Anglican communion.


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  • Posted by: dannac - Jul. 06, 2010 10:58 AM ET USA

    Am I the only one who finds it funny that David Cameron chooses one of two candidates?

  • Posted by: New Sister - Jul. 06, 2010 7:15 AM ET USA

    Anglicans of Southwark diocese - perhaphs consider a visit to Fr Tim Finigan's parish?