Catholic World News

Influential Jesuit journal praises US health care law

June 04, 2010

The influential Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolicahas published an article praising the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was approved by Congress and signed into law in March. Articles published in the journal are approved in advance by the Vatican Secretariat of State.

In his article, Father Andrea Vicini, an Italian Jesuit moral theologian who has taught at Boston College, praised the legislation as “a ‘needed and long awaited beginning’ of bringing greater justice to all citizens, especially the most vulnerable,” according to Catholic News Service.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in contrast, lobbied against its passage, describing it as “profoundly flawed in its treatment of abortion, conscience rights, and fairness to immigrants.”


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  • Posted by: FredC - Jun. 05, 2010 10:25 AM ET USA

    Conclusion: We knew not to trust a Jesuit from Boston College, but now we find that we cannot trust the Vatican Secretariat of State. Did both fail to read the bill's abortion support, euthanasia support, and absence of a conscience clause? Or did they read these aspects and erroneously conclude that these intrinsic evils are offset by good prudential judgments?

  • Posted by: enterprise_coffee6927 - Jun. 04, 2010 7:55 PM ET USA

    No one I know is against apple pie, motherhood, or healthcare. Benjamin Franklin opened the first Hospital in this Country in Philadelphia as well as the first Fire Fighting Unit. The hospital was to serve the poor and others in need of medical treatment. He also believed subsidizing the poor was a mistake as big a mistake as LBJ’s “Great Society” that has yet to decrease the percentage of poor in the nation.

  • Posted by: New Sister - Jun. 04, 2010 3:08 PM ET USA

    Patriot - "the administration" no longer wants it called "Obamacare" - bad for polls. I've been calling it "Deathcare" anyway.

  • Posted by: - Jun. 04, 2010 2:40 PM ET USA

    With all due respect, Father Vicini should stick to areas where he some credibility and knowledge. Perhaps like the best pasta in Rome as U.S. Obamacare is not his strong point.

  • Posted by: Catawba01 - Jun. 04, 2010 12:47 PM ET USA

    It is disappointing to see that the principles of Catholic social justice seem to be so subject to interpretation that the Church does not even speak with one voice on the matter of a healthcare law that fails to protect the unborn and senior and removes conscience rights of health workers. Such ambiguity is not what I expect from Church leaders, nor does it advance the mission of bringing people to Christ.