Quebec cardinal astounded by uproar over pro-life remarks; assembly unanimously backs abortion
May 28, 2010
Cardinal Marc Ouellet expressed astonishment at the reaction to his recent statement that abortion is a moral crime that cannot be justified even in the case of rape. In response, a newspaper columnist said he hoped the cardinal would die a slow and painful death, while the National Assembly of Quebec unanimously expressed its support for free access to abortion.
“When it comes to a religious figure or the imposition of a religious doctrine in Quebec, people are going to speak out,” said Ainsley Jenicek of the Quebec Federation of Birth Planning.
“For the unborn, there is not justice. He is the weakest human being; nobody is protecting him,” the cardinal said as he reflected upon the reaction to his remarks. “I am aware that in Canada, in Quebec in particular, you will not reform society at the moral level by teaching morals first. It will be through a new evangelization.”
“If you do not meet Jesus Christ, it is very difficult to accept the teaching, the moral teaching of the Church,” he added. “I am aware of that, even if what we teach is coherent at the rational level.”
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Further information:
- Abortion uproar astounds Marc Ouellet (Western Catholic Reporter)
- Quebec politicians unite to criticize Harper on abortion (Toronto Star)
- Is the Pope Catholic? (National Post)
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Posted by: -
May. 28, 2010 9:58 PM ET USA
So much for what was once known as Catholic Canada.
Posted by: lauriem5377 -
May. 28, 2010 7:47 PM ET USA
God Bless the Cardinal for standing up for the defenseless babies who cannot speak for themselves. The taking of an innocent human life only makes the crime of rape worse. Our Lord would want us to care for all the victims of rape - mother and baby - with the same tender care and compassion. Pray for this courageous Cardinal that he will inspire others to stand up for life.
Posted by: Mack -
May. 28, 2010 3:38 PM ET USA
Yes, but we need doctrine to make sense of how to live our lives. Otherwise we can have a faith conversion without a moral conversion. The two are needed together. Go into your local school. We have an abundance of people who love Jesus but don't abide by his teachings. Required is solid catechesis.
Posted by: Antonius86 -
May. 28, 2010 10:10 AM ET USA
Exactly! Cardinal Oullet is aware of the depth of the problem. The ancient Greeks had reason and they also ahd Hipprocrates who, in his oath, forbid abortion. However, we know that in the ancient world abortion and infanticide were common practice. Without the grace of meeting Jesus Christ really present in the flesh of His Church, without that "encounter that changes life and gives it meaning" as the Pope wrote in Deus Caritas Est, all the syllogisms in the world will not make sense.