Russian Orthodox spokesman ‘bewildered, concerned’ by Vatican statements on sexuality
February 04, 2025
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CWN Editor's Note: The chief ecumenical official of the Russian Orthodox Church has expressed dismay about recent Vatican statements on homosexuality, saying that they endanger the future of ecumenical cooperation with the Catholic Church.
In an interview with the Tass news agency, Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk said that until recently, the subjects of sexual morality and family life were among “the few about which we and the Roman Catholic Church could speak the same language.” Many Protestant denominations have abandoned the traditional Christian moral principles, he said, and if the Vatican follows suit, “I can’t really imagine what we could talk about with Catholics.”
Speaking specifically about the Vatican document Fiducia Supplicans, which allowed for blessings of same-sex couples, Metropolitan Anthony said that it “cannot but cause bewilderment and concern.”
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Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Feb. 04, 2025 9:21 PM ET USA
This is called torpedoing ecumenical relations with a valid Church. It seems the Russian Orthodox Church differs from Francis in believing that "sins below the waist" are indeed among the most serious sins. The cited article also says that last month the Italian Bishops Conference announced that open homosexuals would now be allowed to be ordained to the Catholic priesthood. I checked online and found that Bishop Stefano Manetti of Fiesole, Italy, disagrees that homosexuals can be ordained.