Catholic World News

Syrian prelates urge prayers for safety

December 10, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: The Christian leaders of Syria have asked for prayers for their people, amid uncertainty about the future after the fall of the Assad regime.

Presiding at Mass on December 8, Syrian Catholic Patriarch Ignace Joussif III Younan prayed that “this phase of transition in Syria may be safe and peaceful.” He observed that Syria has been suffering for year through “a terrible war, whose security and economic impacts have been terrible for everyone.”

Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Mor Ignatios Aphrem II also prayed for peace, and for a new regime “respecting Syria’s cultural identity and long history.”

Syria’s Christians are uneasy about their prospects under a government whose most prominent leaders were important figures in the Islamic State.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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